
Our vision has always been to provide Dental Professionals with exceptional insurance solutions.

We have been supporting the Dental profession for over a decade and the importance of risk management has never been so important. Those Dental professionals that understand the risks they face are more likely to prevent issues arising or mitigate their impact when they do occur.

These issues could be treatment related, regulatory matters or a health & safety matter.

The practice of identifying and analysing risk is nothing new to the insurance sector. As a provider to the Dental profession we recognise the risks you face and closely monitor the trends in claims to ensure we continue to provide exceptional insurance at a sustainable price point.

ProDental CPD

All Med Pro have teamed up with ProDental the leading provider of CPD to the Dental Profession.

ProDental provide a quality training program that is flexible and dynamic, with the ability to respond and adapt quickly and appropriately to the changing needs of Dental Professionals which is imperative.

For those Dentists who are indemnity clients we will provide much of the content to you at no cost. And those practice insurance clients we can look to offer a bespoke learning package for all employees of the practice.

All ProDental verifiable CPD is written and peer reviewed by leading industry experts. Each course is reviewed at 12 monthly intervals following its release, except where there are changes to standards or guidance that affect the course.

ProDental verifiable CPD will include clear aims, objectives and anticipated learning outcomes. All courses completed with ProDental will present the user with a feedback form and the opportunity to reflect on their learning. A certificate is generated on completion and passing of the validation questions and feedback

In addition to the above All Med Pro run risk management workshops and we work closely with CQC experts, dento-legal advisors, insurers, and law firms to deliver relevant content and advice to our clients.